Wednesday 14 November 2018

Should India Continue Being A Member Of The Commonwealth Nations? What Are Some Of The Advantages/Disadvantages Of Being A Member?

The Commonwealth is a name for countries which were part of the British Empire before they became independent.Currently,this institution has 53 member countries out of which all except Mozambique were part of the British Empire. Some countries such as the United States that were once in the Empire are not in the Commonwealth.......

The Commonwealth covers more than 29,958,050 sq. km(11,566,870 sq mi), almost a quarter of the world land area and spans all the continents.The picture given below shows its span in all the continents of the world.

With an estimated population of 2.328 billion, near a third of the world population,the Commonwealth in 2014 produced a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of $10.45 trillion (India being 1st in terms of PPP), representing 17% of the gross world product when measured in purchasing power parity (PPP) and 14% of the gross world product when measured nominally.Its common aims include:

To increase economic cooperation among the member countries.
To encourage democracy in the member countries.
To ensure that member countries follow human rights.
Why shouldn't India leave Commonwealth of Nations

Belonging to a large club:-India always seeks support of countries to it's bid for a permanent seat at the UN Security Council.With 53 member countries (except Pakistan) and Britain as a permanent member of UNSC,the Commonwealth of Nations will always play a crucial role in India's bid.But leaving it will result in a certain loss of Britain support for our bid.Moreover,the Commonwealth provides India a platform of healthy multilateral relationship with member African countries and small countries.

Special rights to Indians living in United Kingdom:-Commonwealth citizens have special rights when living in the United Kingdom—more than what any old immigrant would get. An Indian citizen who resides anywhere in the United Kingdom—that's England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales—has the right to vote in local and national elections and can also help select members of the European Parliament. In addition to it,Several Caribbean members also grant residents from Commonwealth countries voting rights.

Embassy Privileges:-If any Indian citizen is traveling somewhere without an Indian Embassy, he or she could get assistance at the U.K. one instead.
British aid to India:-India had received a considerable amount of aid after its independence.However,this has been stopped in 2015 following protest in Britain.

Commonwealth Scholarship:-United kingdom offers scholarship and fellowship to Indian students who want to pursue their higher studies in U.K.

Technical assistance to member countries:-The Commonwealth gives "technical assistance" in support of economic growth. Drawing from the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (which amounts to about 29 million pounds per year), the Commonwealth provides its needier member states with advisers on trade and land-use strategies, or consultants to help restructure public service.

Why should India leave Commonwealth of Nation

Sufferings during COLONIAL Rule:-India suffered a lot during colonial rule for almost 300 years.Its share in the world economy decreased from 25% to 0.4% at the time of independence.A large number of people lost their lives while fighting for independence. So,should India not leave the Commonwealth as The Commonwealth still serves only to bolster Britain’s sense of importance in the world and to make it appear that its outdated stiff upper lipped monarch still has a role in the modern world.

2. Failing to fulfill any of its aims
Very less economic cooperation between member countries:-From India's point of view,there is very less economic cooperation between India and other member countries.There is no member country in the list of top 15 trading partner of India,which itself tells the whole story .

Ensuring the member countries follow human rights:-In the past,the Commonwealth was somehow able to ensure human rights in member countries.But,in recent years,it has failed in doing so like in SriLanka. With Gambia withdrawing its membership,the seasoned diplomats who run the secretariat don’t want to rock the boat too much, lest more countries jump ship.

3. Now come to some of the facts which can be given to counter reason written in support of India's membership​ in commonwealth.
(A). Belonging to a larger club:-India also has bilateral relationships with all member countries.Except Britain,no country would mind India's withdrawing from Commonwealth.But,considering Britain as a member of P-5,it would cost a lot to India's bid for UNSC permanent seat.

(B). Right to vote in local elections:-Surely,it is a privilege that Indian enjoys as a citizen of Commonwealth.But,today Indians face extremely high restrictions for visas in Britain, even tourist visas, and the situation has been becoming progressively worse.

(C). Embassy Privileges:-India has too many embassies and consulates for it to matter.

(D). Commonwealth Scholarship:-Surely,It helps student to pursue their higher study in top universities of the world.But,new UK visa rules has adverse impact on Indian students interest.

(E). British aid to India:-It only accounts for 0.04% of India's GDP and it doesn't have any impact at all on Indian economy.

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